'------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Name : 恒温恒湿箱控制程序.bas 'Copyright : http://avr.cnta.net 'MicroChip : AtMega16 'Compiler : BASCOM-AVR 'Author : slyt/箫天 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $regfile = "m16def.dat" $crystal = 8000000 $hwstack = 100 $swstack = 100 $framesize = 100 $baud = 19200 $lib "glcdKS108.lib" '==================================声明函数===================================== Declare Sub Disp_10x20(byval Wr_dat As String , Byval Wr_x As Byte , Byval Wr_y As Byte) Declare Sub Getit() Declare Sub Get_sht11() Declare Sub Init_sht11() Declare Function Get_key_code() As Byte '==================================配置资源===================================== Config Graphlcd = 128 * 64sed , Dataport = Porta , Controlport = Portc , Ce = 3 , Ce2 = 4 , Cd = 7 , Rd = 6 , Reset = 2 , Enable = 5 Config Int1 = Falling On Int1 Int1_int Enable Int1 Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 1024 '128us*256=32.768ms On Timer0 Timer0_isr Enable Timer0 '================================定义控制变量=================================== Dim Sht_timer_counter As Byte '检测温湿度时间,1秒=30 Dim Key_timer_counter As Byte '不按按钮时间,最长4秒,120 Dim Set_select As Bit '选择设置项 温度或者湿度 Dim Power_on As Bit '启动工作 Heat_on Alias Portb.4 : Ddrb.4 = 1 '加热控制 Water_on Alias Portb.3 : Ddrb.3 = 1 '加湿控制 Light_on Alias Portb.2 : Ddrb.2 = 1 '照明控制 Beep Alias Portb.1 : Ddrb.1 = 1 '提示音 Led_red Alias Portc.0 : Ddrc.0 = 1 'LED指示 Led_grn Alias Portc.1 : Ddrc.1 = 1 'LED指示 '================================定义按钮变量=================================== Ddrd = &B00000011 Portd = &HFF Key_pin Alias Pind Dim Key_press As Word '按钮是否按下 Dim Key_code As Byte Const Key_select = &B1110 Const Key_up = &B1101 Const Key_down = &B1011 Const Key_start = &B0111 '===============================定义SHT11变量=================================== Dim Ctr As Byte Dim Dataword As Word Dim Command As Byte Dim Dis As String * 20 Dim Temperature As Integer Dim Humidity As Integer Dim Old_temperature As Integer Dim Old_humidity As Integer Dim Calc1 As Single Dim Calc2 As Single Dim Calc3 As Single Dim Rhlinear As Single Dim Rhlintemp As Single Dim Tempc As Single Dim Tempf As Single Dim Com_temperature As Integer Dim Set_temp As Byte '温度设置值,存储在EEPROM Dim Set_rh As Byte '湿度设置值,存储在EEPROM Const C1 = -4 '计算湿度参数 Const C2 = 0.0405 Const C3 = -0.0000028 Const T1c = .01 '计算温度参数 Const T2 = .00008 Const T1f = .018 Sck Alias Portb.7 '定义SHT11时钟引脚 Dataout Alias Portb.6 '定义SHT11数据引脚 Datain Alias Pinb.6 Setio Alias Ddrb.6 Ddrb.7 = 1 Ddrb.6 = 1 '================================定义显示变量=================================== Dim I As Byte , J As Byte , K As Byte Dim Zimo(3) As Byte Dim Dianzhen As Long At Zimo Overlay Dim Lcdstr As String * 2 '##################################绘制界面##################################### Cls Showpic 0 , 0 , Back Showpic 4 , 31 , Set_set '温度SET Showpic 45 , 31 , Set_set '湿度SET Showpic 88 , 31 , Heat '加热图标 Showpic 88 , 0 , Water '加湿图标 Showpic 107 , 0 , Pwr_off '读取温湿度存储值 Readeeprom Set_temp , 10 Readeeprom Set_rh , 20 If Set_temp = &HFF Then Set_temp = 30 If Set_rh = &HFF Then Set_rh = 50 Writeeeprom Set_temp , 10 Writeeeprom Set_rh , 20 Lcdstr = Str(set_temp) Disp_10x20 Lcdstr , 13 , 30 '显示设置温度 Lcdstr = Str(set_rh) Disp_10x20 Lcdstr , 54 , 30 '显示设置湿度 Sound Beep , 2000 , 210 Waitms 1000 Boxfill(88 , 4) -(103 , 22) , 0 '清除加湿图标 Waitms 500 Boxfill(88 , 23) -(103 , 39) , 0 '清除加热图标 Waitms 500 Boxfill(4 , 23) -(11 , 39) , 0 '清除温度SET字样 Boxfill(45 , 23) -(52 , 39) , 0 '清除湿度SET字样 '############################################################################### Sht_timer_counter = 30 Key_timer_counter = 0 Key_press = 0 Power_on = 0 Heat_on = 0 Water_on = 0 Light_on = 0 Led_grn = 1 Temperature = 0 Humidity = 0 Old_temperature = 1 Old_humidity = 1 Sound Beep , 1000 , 210 Enable Interrupts Do If Sht_timer_counter > 30 Then '1秒钟检测1次温湿度 If Key_timer_counter > 120 Then '不操作超过4秒 Boxfill(4 , 23) -(11 , 39) , 0 '清除温度SET字样 Boxfill(45 , 23) -(52 , 39) , 0 '清除湿度SET字样 Writeeeprom Set_temp , 10 '存储设置值 Writeeeprom Set_rh , 20 Old_temperature = 100 Old_humidity = 100 Key_press = 0 End If If Key_press = 0 Then '若无按钮按下 Call Init_sht11() '初始化STH11 Call Get_sht11() '获取温湿度值 If Temperature <> Old_temperature Then Lcdstr = Str(temperature) If Temperature < 10 Then Lcdstr = " " + Lcdstr Disp_10x20 Lcdstr , 13 , 30 '温度显示 Old_temperature = Temperature End If If Humidity <> Old_humidity Then Lcdstr = Str(humidity) If Humidity < 10 Then Lcdstr = " " + Lcdstr Disp_10x20 Lcdstr , 54 , 30 '湿度显示 Old_humidity = Humidity End If If Power_on = 1 Then '若启动工作 If Temperature <> 99 And Humidity <> 0 Then '判断是否连接传感器 If Com_temperature < Set_temp Then Heat_on = 1 '启动加热 Showpic 88 , 31 , Heat '加热图标 End If If Temperature >= Set_temp Then Heat_on = 0 '停止加热 Boxfill(88 , 23) -(103 , 39) , 0 '清除加热图标 End If If Humidity < Set_rh Then Water_on = 1 '启动加湿 Showpic 88 , 0 , Water '加湿图标 End If If Humidity >= Set_rh Then Water_on = 0 '停止加湿 Boxfill(88 , 4) -(103 , 22) , 0 '清除加湿图标 End If End If Else Water_on = 0 Heat_on = 0 Light_on = 0 End If Key_timer_counter = 0 '按钮不操作定时复位 End If Sht_timer_counter = 0 '显示定时复位 End If Loop End '############################################################################### '==================================读取按钮值=================================== Function Get_key_code() As Byte Local Get_key As Byte Get_key = Key_pin Shift Get_key , Right , 4 Get_key_code = Get_key End Function '=================================读取温湿度值================================== Sub Get_sht11() Command = &B00000011 Call Getit '读取温度 Tempf = T1f * Dataword Tempf = Tempf - 40 Tempc = T1c * Dataword Tempc = Tempc - 40 Temperature = Round(tempc) If Temperature > 99 Then Temperature = 99 If Temperature < 0 Then Temperature = 0 Com_temperature = Fix(tempc) If Com_temperature > 99 Then Com_temperature = 99 If Com_temperature < 0 Then Com_temperature = 0 Command = &B00000101 Call Getit '读取湿度 Calc2 = C2 * Dataword Calc3 = Dataword * Dataword Calc3 = Calc3 * C3 Calc2 = Calc2 + Calc3 Rhlinear = C1 + Calc2 Calc1 = T2 * Dataword Calc1 = Calc1 + T1c Calc2 = Tempc - 25 Calc1 = Calc2 * Calc1 Rhlintemp = Calc1 + Rhlinear Humidity = Round(rhlintemp) If Humidity > 99 Then Humidity = 99 If Humidity < 0 Then Humidity = 0 End Sub '=================================初始化SHT11=================================== Sub Init_sht11() Set Dataout For Ctr = 1 To 12 Set Sck Waitus 2 Reset Sck Waitus 2 Next Ctr End Sub '==================================操作SHT11==================================== Sub Getit() Local Datavalue As Word Local Databyte As Byte Set Sck '启动传输 Reset Dataout Reset Sck Set Sck Set Dataout Reset Sck Shiftout Dataout , Sck , Command , 1 '发送测量命令 00000011-测温度,00000101-测温度 Setio = 0 '设置数据口为输入 Set Sck 'SCK置高 Reset Sck 'SCK置低 Waitms 400 '等待400毫秒, 转换时间: 20/80/320ms--8/12/14bit Shiftin Datain , Sck , Databyte , 1 '读取MSB Datavalue = Databyte Setio = 1 '发送ACK Reset Dataout Set Sck Reset Sck Setio = 0 Shiftin Datain , Sck , Databyte , 1 '读取LSB Shift Datavalue , Left , 8 Datavalue = Datavalue Or Databyte Dataword = Datavalue Setio = 1 '发送ACK Reset Dataout Set Sck Reset Sck Setio = 0 Shiftin Datain , Sck , Databyte , 1 '读取CRC字节 Setio = 1 Set Dataout Set Sck Reset Sck End Sub '===============================写10X20点阵数字================================= Sub Disp_10x20(wr_dat As String , Wr_x As Byte , Wr_y As Byte ) Local Index As Word Local Temp_s As String * 1 Local Ww As Byte Local Wx As Byte Local Wy As Byte Local Mybyte As Byte Ww = Len(wr_dat) For Mybyte = 1 To Ww Temp_s = Mid(wr_dat , Mybyte , 1) Select Case Temp_s Case "0" To "9" Index = Asc(temp_s) - 48 Case " " Index = 10 Case Else Index = 0 End Select Index = Index * 30 For I = 10 To 1 Step -1 Zimo(1) = Lookup(index , Shuzi10x20) '列字节1 Incr Index Zimo(2) = Lookup(index , Shuzi10x20) '列字节2 Incr Index Zimo(3) = Lookup(index , Shuzi10x20) '列字节3 Incr Index Wy = Wr_y + I For J = 0 To 19 Wx = Wr_x + J If Dianzhen.0 = 1 Then Pset Wx , Wy , 1 Else Pset Wx , Wy , 0 End If Shift Dianzhen , Right , 1 Next Next Wr_y = Wr_y - 12 Next End Sub '===============================按钮中断======================================== Int1_int: Key_code = Key_pin Shift Key_code , Right , 4 If Key_code <> &B1111 Then Incr Key_press Sound Beep , 180 , 210 If Key_press = 1 Then '按钮第一次按下 Select Case Key_code Case Key_start '开始按钮 Toggle Power_on Led_red = Power_on '指示灯 Light_on = Power_on '照明灯 If Power_on = 1 Then Showpic 107 , 0 , Pwr_on Else Showpic 107 , 0 , Pwr_off Boxfill(88 , 23) -(103 , 39) , 0 '清除加热图标 Boxfill(88 , 4) -(103 , 22) , 0 '清除加湿图标 Boxfill(107 , 23) -(122 , 39) , 0 '清除风扇图标 End If Key_press = 0 Sht_timer_counter = 25 Case Key_down To Key_select Lcdstr = Str(set_temp) Disp_10x20 Lcdstr , 13 , 30 '显示设置温度 Lcdstr = Str(set_rh) Disp_10x20 Lcdstr , 54 , 30 '显示设置湿度 If Set_select = 0 Then Showpic 4 , 31 , Set_set '温度SET Boxfill(45 , 23) -(52 , 39) , 0 '清除湿度SET字样 Else Showpic 45 , 31 , Set_set '湿度SET Boxfill(4 , 23) -(11 , 39) , 0 '清除温度SET字样 End If Key_timer_counter = 0 '按钮不操作定时复位,计时开始 End Select Do Key_code = Get_key_code() Loop Until Key_code = &B1111 Waitms 100 Do Key_code = Get_key_code() Loop Until Key_code = &B1111 End If If Key_press > 1 Then '按钮第N次按下 Select Case Key_code Case Key_start '开始按钮 Toggle Power_on Led_red = Power_on '指示灯 Light_on = Power_on '照明灯 If Power_on = 1 Then Showpic 107 , 0 , Pwr_on Else Showpic 107 , 0 , Pwr_off Boxfill(88 , 23) -(103 , 39) , 0 '清除加热图标 Boxfill(88 , 4) -(103 , 22) , 0 '清除加湿图标 Boxfill(107 , 23) -(122 , 39) , 0 '清除风扇图标 End If Do Key_code = Get_key_code() Loop Until Key_code = &B1111 Waitms 100 Do Key_code = Get_key_code() Loop Until Key_code = &B1111 Case Key_select Toggle Set_select If Set_select = 0 Then Showpic 4 , 31 , Set_set '温度SET Boxfill(45 , 23) -(52 , 39) , 0 '清除湿度SET字样 Lcdstr = Str(set_temp) Disp_10x20 Lcdstr , 13 , 30 '显示设置温度 Else Showpic 45 , 31 , Set_set '湿度SET Boxfill(4 , 23) -(11 , 39) , 0 '清除温度SET字样 Lcdstr = Str(set_rh) Disp_10x20 Lcdstr , 54 , 30 '显示设置湿度 End If Key_timer_counter = 0 '按钮不操作定时复位,计时开始 Do Key_code = Get_key_code() Loop Until Key_code = &B1111 Waitms 100 Do Key_code = Get_key_code() Loop Until Key_code = &B1111 Case Key_up Do If Set_select = 0 Then Incr Set_temp If Set_temp > 50 Then Set_temp = 50 Lcdstr = Str(set_temp) Disp_10x20 Lcdstr , 13 , 30 '显示设置温度 Else Incr Set_rh If Set_rh > 80 Then Set_rh = 80 Lcdstr = Str(set_rh) Disp_10x20 Lcdstr , 54 , 30 '显示设置湿度 End If Key_timer_counter = 0 '按钮不操作定时复位,计时开始 Waitms 100 If Get_key_code() <> Key_up Then Do Key_code = Get_key_code() Loop Until Key_code = &B1111 Exit Do Else Waitms 200 If Get_key_code() <> Key_up Then '判断按住不放 Exit Do End If End If Loop Case Key_down Do If Set_select = 0 Then Decr Set_temp If Set_temp < 25 Then Set_temp = 25 Lcdstr = Str(set_temp) Disp_10x20 Lcdstr , 13 , 30 '显示设置温度 Else Decr Set_rh If Set_rh < 10 Then Set_rh = 10 Lcdstr = Str(set_rh) Disp_10x20 Lcdstr , 54 , 30 '显示设置湿度 End If Key_timer_counter = 0 '按钮不操作定时复位,计时开始 Waitms 100 If Get_key_code() <> Key_down Then Do Key_code = Get_key_code() Loop Until Key_code = &B1111 Exit Do Else Waitms 200 If Get_key_code() <> Key_down Then '判断按住不放 Exit Do End If End If Loop End Select End If End If Return '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timer0_isr: Incr Sht_timer_counter Incr Key_timer_counter Return '============================10X20点阵数字====================================== Shuzi10x20: Data &HE0 , &HFF , &H00 , &HF8 , &HFF , &H03 , &H3C , &H80 , &H07 , &H0E Data &H00 , &H0E , &H0E , &H00 , &H0E , &H0E , &H00 , &H0E , &H3C , &H80 Data &H07 , &HF8 , &HFF , &H03 , &HC0 , &HFF , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 '0 Data &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &HE0 , &H00 , &H00 , &HF0 Data &H00 , &H00 , &HFE , &HFF , &H0F , &HFE , &HFF , &H0F , &H00 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 '1 Data &HF0 , &H00 , &H0E , &HFC , &H00 , &H0F , &H1C , &H80 , &H0F , &H0E Data &HC0 , &H0E , &H0E , &H60 , &H0E , &H0E , &H38 , &H0E , &H1C , &H1E Data &H0E , &HFC , &H0F , &H0E , &HF0 , &H03 , &H0E , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 '2 Data &H70 , &H80 , &H01 , &H7C , &H80 , &H07 , &H1E , &H00 , &H0F , &H0E Data &H0E , &H0E , &H0E , &H0E , &H0E , &H0E , &H0E , &H0E , &H1E , &H1F Data &H0F , &HFC , &HFB , &H07 , &HF0 , &HF1 , &H01 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 '3 Data &H00 , &HF0 , &H00 , &H00 , &HFE , &H00 , &H80 , &HE7 , &H00 , &HE0 Data &HE1 , &H00 , &H3C , &HE0 , &H00 , &HFE , &HFF , &H0F , &HFE , &HFF Data &H0F , &H00 , &HE0 , &H00 , &H00 , &HE0 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 '4 Data &HFE , &HC7 , &H01 , &HFE , &HC7 , &H07 , &H8E , &H03 , &H0F , &HCE Data &H01 , &H0E , &HCE , &H01 , &H0E , &HCE , &H01 , &H0E , &H8E , &H87 Data &H0F , &H0E , &HFF , &H07 , &H0E , &HFE , &H01 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 '5 Data &HE0 , &HFF , &H00 , &HF8 , &HFF , &H03 , &H3C , &H8F , &H07 , &H8E Data &H03 , &H0E , &H8E , &H03 , &H0E , &H8E , &H03 , &H0E , &H1E , &H07 Data &H0F , &H3C , &HFF , &H07 , &H30 , &HFC , &H01 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 '6 Data &H0E , &H00 , &H00 , &H0E , &H80 , &H0F , &H0E , &HF0 , &H0F , &H0E Data &HFE , &H0F , &H8E , &H7F , &H00 , &HEE , &H07 , &H00 , &HFE , &H01 Data &H00 , &H3E , &H00 , &H00 , &H1E , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 '7 Data &HF0 , &HF1 , &H01 , &HFC , &HFB , &H07 , &H1E , &H1F , &H0F , &H0E Data &H0E , &H0E , &H0E , &H0E , &H0E , &H0E , &H0E , &H0E , &H1E , &H1F Data &H0F , &HFC , &HFB , &H07 , &HF0 , &HF1 , &H01 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 '8 Data &HF8 , &H87 , &H03 , &HFC , &H9F , &H07 , &H1E , &H3C , &H0F , &H0E Data &H38 , &H0E , &H0E , &H38 , &H0E , &H0E , &H38 , &H0F , &H3C , &H9E Data &H07 , &HF8 , &HFF , &H03 , &HE0 , &HFF , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 '9 Data &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 Data &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 'Space '===============================声明图片======================================== Back: $bgf "back.bgf" Heat: $bgf "heat.bgf" Fan: $bgf "fan.bgf" Water: $bgf "water.bgf" Set_set: $bgf "set.bgf" Pwr_on: $bgf "on.bgf" Pwr_off: $bgf "off.bgf" '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ |
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