'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Name : Cymometer.bas 'Copyright : 圣龙扬特-AVR电子 'Micro : AtMega8 'Author : slyt '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $regfile = "M8def.dat" ' specify the used micro $crystal = 8000000 ' used crystal frequency $hwstack = 32 ' default use 32 for the hardware stack $swstack = 20 ' default use 10 for the SW stack $framesize = 40 ' default use 40 for the frame space $lib "single.lbx" 'To use it as a COUNTER, you can choose on which edge it is trigereed Config Timer1 = Counter , Edge = Falling On Timer1 Tim1_isr 'Valid values are 1-0.125us , 8-1us, 64-8us, 256-32us or 1024-128us Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 64 On Timer0 Tim0_isr Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portd.2 , Db5 = Portd.1 , Db6 = Portd.3 , Db7 = Portd.4 , E = Portc.4 , Rs = Portc.5 Config Lcd = 20 * 2 Cursor Off Noblink Ddrc.1 = 1 Led Alias Portc.1 Dim Wf As Long '频率变量,并记录COUNTER1中断次数 Dim Tim0_counter As Word 'Timer0中断次数 Dim Tim0_counter_times As Word 'timer0中断次数倍数 Dim Tim1_counter As Byte 'Timer1中断次数 Dim Mybyte As Byte Dim Ss As Single Dim Lcdstr As String * 7 'Deflcdchar 0 , 32 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 14 , 8 , 16 , 32 ' replace ? with number (0-7) Led = 1 Cls Locate 1 , 8 Lcd "F: 000.00 KHz" Locate 2 , 8 Lcd "T: 000.00 mS" Tim0_counter_times = 250 '初始250倍,250X2=500ms,即第一次采样500ms后计算 Tim0_counter = 0 Counter1 = 0 Timer0 = 5 Wf = 0 Enable Interrupts Enable Timer0 Start Counter1 Do Idle If Tim0_counter = Tim0_counter_times Then Disable Timer0 Stop Counter1 Wf = Wf * 65536 Wf = Wf + Counter1 '总脉冲次数 'Tim0_counter * 2/1000 '总计时毫秒数。除1000转换成秒 Wf = Wf * 500 '频率=脉冲次数/总时间 Wf = Wf / Tim0_counter '计算出Hz数 Locate 1 , 18 Select Case Wf Case Is > 999999 '显示MHz Lcd "MHz" Ss = Wf / 1000000 Case Is > 999 '显示KHZ Lcd "KHz" Ss = Wf / 1000 Case Else '显示Hz Lcd " Hz" Ss = Wf End Select Lcdstr = Fusing(ss , "#.##") Mybyte = 7 - Len(lcdstr) Lcdstr = Space(mybyte) + Lcdstr '补齐6个字符 Locate 1 , 10 Lcd Lcdstr '显示Hz数 Locate 2 , 19 Select Case Wf Case Is > 1000 '显示uS Lcd Chr(&He4) ; "S" Ss = 1000000 / Wf Case 0 '显示mS Lcd "mS" Ss = 0 Case Else '显示ms Lcd "mS" Ss = 1000 / Wf End Select Lcdstr = Fusing(ss , "#.##") Mybyte = 7 - Len(lcdstr) Lcdstr = Space(mybyte) + Lcdstr '补齐6个字符 Locate 2 , 10 Lcd Lcdstr '显示周期数 Locate 1 , 8 Lcd "F:" Locate 2 , 8 Lcd "T:" If Wf > 10000 Then '如果频率大于10K,采样周期改为200ms Tim0_counter_times = 100 Else If Wf > 500 Then Tim0_counter_times = 250 '如果频率大于500Hz,采样周期改为500ms Else Tim0_counter_times = 500 '采样周期为1S End If End If Wf = 0 '重置初始值 Tim0_counter = 0 Timer0 = 5 Counter1 = 0 Enable Timer0 Start Counter1 End If Loop End '============计时2ms=============== 'Timer0=5, 250*8=2000us=2ms Tim0_isr: Incr Tim0_counter Timer0 = 5 Return '=======计数器溢出次数============= Tim1_isr: Incr Wf Return |
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