- 阅读权限
- 150
- 7
- 帖子
- 140
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2013-2-26
- 在线时间
- 20 小时
- 7
- 帖子
- 140
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2013-2-26
- 在线时间
- 20 小时
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "STM8S105C_S.h" /* Registers and memory mapping file. */
/* Macro definitions
/* Music instruction and note coding. */
#define _END_ 0xFF /* Music END. */
#define _PAUSE_ 0xFE /* Pause between different tunes. */
/* Note tone definition...... */
#define _FA0 0x00 /* FA- */
#define _SOL0 0x01 /* SOL- */
#define _LA0 0x02 /* LA- */
#define _SI0 0x03 /* SI- */
#define _DO 0x04 /* DO */
#define _RE 0x05 /* RE */
#define _MI 0x06 /* MI */
#define _FA 0x07 /* FA */
#define _SOL 0x08 /* SOL */
#define _LA 0x09 /* LA */
#define _SI 0x0A /* SI */
#define _DO2 0x0B /* DO+ */
#define _M 0x0C /* MUTE */
#define _RE2 0x0D /* RE+ */
#define _SOL2 0x0E /* SOL+ */
#define _FAd 0x0F /* FA# */
/* Note length definition...... */
#define sq 0x10 /* Semiquaver notes. */
#define q 0x20 /* Quaver notes. */
#define qp 0x30 /* 1.5 quaver notes. */
#define c 0x40 /* Crotchet notes. */
#define cn 0x60 /* 1.5 crotchet notes.*/
#define m 0x80 /* Minim notes. */
/* RAM SEGMENT variables */
/* Global variable used to store the ADC result. */
unsigned int AD_Value;
/* Global variable used to store the Key pressed for changing octave. */
unsigned char Flag_Octave_Chg;
/* Global variable used as index for the array of notes: position in the tune.*/
unsigned int current_note = 0;
/* Global variable used as index for the array of notes. */
unsigned char c1,c1_buf;
/* Music note coding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
/* TIM2 CCR1 High byte. */
const unsigned char Low_Note_h[] /* Lower octave */
={0x2C,0x27,0x23,0x1F,0x1D,0x1A,0x17,0x16,0x13,0x11,0x0F,0x0E,0x00, 0x0D, 0x09, 0x15 };
const unsigned char Hi_Note_h[] /* Higher octave */
={0x16,0x13,0x11,0x0F,0x0E,0x0D,0x0B,0x0B,0x09,0x08,0x07,0x07,0x00, 0x06, 0x04, 0x0A };
/* TIM2 CCR1 Low byte. */
const unsigned char Low_Note_l[] /* Lower octave */
={0xA4,0xDC,0x82,0xA1,0xEE,0xA9,0xAC,0x62,0xEE,0xC1,0xD0,0xF0,0x00, 0x4F, 0xF7, 0x2C };
const unsigned char Hi_Note_l[] /* Higher octave */
={0x52,0xEE,0xC1,0xD0,0xF7,0x54,0xD6,0x31,0xF7,0xE0,0xE8,0x78,0x00, 0xA7, 0xFB, 0x96 };
/* The actual tune sequence: an array of notes. */
const unsigned char tune[] =
_M+sq, _M+sq, /* Two "buffer" mutes needed to manage smoothly the */
/* current_note/current_note_init comparison. */
/*------------------ DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI DO2 --------------------------*/
/*------------------ DO2 SI LA SOL FA MI RE DO --------------------------*/
_DO+c,_RE+c,_MI+c,_FA+c,_SOL+c,_LA+c,_SI+c,_DO2+c,_M+m, _PAUSE_,
_DO2+c,_SI+c,_LA+c,_SOL+c,_FA+c,_MI+c,_RE+c,_DO+c,_M+m, _PAUSE_,
/*---------------------------- 新年好 ------------------------------------*/
/*--------------------------- 两只老虎 -----------------------------------*/
/*---------------------------- 甜蜜蜜 ------------------------------------*/
/*------------------ _END_ marks to end of the tune ----------------------*/
/* Function definitions */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ROUTINE NAME: Buzz_Init */
/* INPUT/OUTPUT: None. */
/* DESCRIPTION: Initialize the TIM2 as PWM mode for BUZZ control. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Buzz_Init ( void )
PD_DDR |= 0x10; /* Configure PD4 as output (for the PWM). */
PD_CR1 |= 0x10; /* PD4 Push pull output. */
TIM2_CCMR1 |= 0x70; /* Output mode PWM2. */
TIM2_CCER1 |= 0x03; /* CC polarity low,enable PWM output */
TIM2_ARR = 0; /* Freq control register: ARR */
TIM2_CCR1 = 0; /* Dutycycle control register: CCR */
TIM2_PSCR |= 0x00; /* fCK_CNT is equal to fCK_PSC. */
TIM2_CR1 |= 0x01; /* Enable TIM2. */
current_note = 1;
void Buzz_Wait(unsigned char duration)
int i = 0;
unsigned char uc = 0;
unsigned long Temp;
/* Sample AIN voltage in ADC single mode. */
ADC_CR1 |= 0x01; /* First set ADON to power on the ADC module. */
i = 6; /* Wait >7us to ensure the ADC power on finished.*/
ADC_CR1 |= 0x01; /* Set ADON again to start AD convert. */
while(!(ADC_CSR & 0x80));/* Waiting for AD convert finished (EOP=1). */
/* Store ADC value to AD_Value */
AD_Value = ((((unsigned int)ADC_DRH)<<2)+ADC_DRL)>>2;
if (AD_Value < 0x01)
{ AD_Value = 0x01; }
if (AD_Value > 0xC0)
{ AD_Value = 0xC0; }
if (Flag_Octave_Chg==1)
Temp = ((((unsigned int) Low_Note_h [c1_buf])<<8)+Low_Note_l [c1_buf]);
Temp = ((((unsigned int) Hi_Note_h [c1_buf])<<8)+Hi_Note_l [c1_buf]);
Temp = (Temp*AD_Value)>>9;
TIM2_CCR1H=(unsigned char)(((unsigned int)Temp & 0xff00)>>8);
TIM2_CCR1L=(unsigned char)((unsigned int)Temp & 0x00ff);
while ( uc < duration ) /* The following loop is run "duration" times. */
while ( i < 1200 ) /* This loop "Y" waits approximately 4.3ms. */
i = 0;