
Writes a byte to the hardware or software UART.

Writes data to a file opened in BINARY mode.



PUT #channel, var
PUT #channel, var ,[pos] [,length]



PUT in combination with the software/hardware UART is provided for compatibility with BASCOM-8051. It writes one byte


PUT in combination with the AVR-DOS filesystem is very flexible and versatile. It works on files opened in BINARY mode and you can write all data types.


A channel number, which identifies an opened file. This can be a hard coded constant or a variable.


The variable or variable array that will be written to the file


This is an optional parameter that may be used to specify the postion where the data must be written to. This must be a long variable.


This is an optional parameter that may be used to specify how many bytes must be written to the file.


By default you only need to provide the variable name. When the variable is a byte, 1 byte wil be written. When the variable is a word or integer, 2 bytes will be written. When the variable is a long or single, 4 bytes will be written. When the variable is a string, the number of bytes that will be written is equal to the dimensioned size of the string. DIM S as string * 10 , would write 10 bytes.

Note that when you specify the length for a string, the maximum length is 255. The maximum length for a non-string array is 65535.



PUT #1, var

PUT #1, var , , 2 ?write 2 bytes at default position

PUT #1, var ,PS, 2 ?write 2 bytes at location storied in variable PS





current position

Goto new position first





  r24: File number

  X: Pointer to variable

  T-Flag cleared



  r24: File number

  X: Pointer to variable

  r16-19 (A): New position (1-based)

  T-Flag Set





  r24: File number

  X: Pointer to variable

  T-Flag cleared



  r24: File number

  X: Pointer to variable

  r16-19 (A): New position (1-based)

  T-Flag Set





  r24: File number

  X: Pointer to variable

  T-Flag cleared



  r24: File number

  X: Pointer to variable

  r16-19 (A): New position (1-based)

  T-Flag Set

String (<= 255 Bytes) with fixed length




  r24: File number

  r20: Count of Bytes

  X: Pointer to variable

  T-Flag cleared



  r24: File number

r20: Count of bytes 

  X: Pointer to variable

  r16-19 (A): New position (1-based)

  T-Flag Set

Array (> 255 Bytes) with fixed length




  r24: File number

  r20/21: Count of Bytes

  X: Pointer to variable

  T-Flag cleared



  r24: File number

  r20/21: Count of bytes

  X: Pointer to variable

  r16-19 (A): New position (1-based)

  T-Flag Set


Output from all kind of usage:

 r25: Error Code

 C-Flag on Error



'for the binary file demo we need some variables of different types
Dim B As Byte , W As Word , L As Long , Sn As Single , Ltemp As Long
Dim Stxt As String * 10
B = 1 : W = 50000 : L = 12345678 : Sn = 123.45 : Stxt = "test"

'open the file in BINARY mode
Open "test.biN" For Binary As #2
Put #2 , B ' write a byte
Put #2 , W ' write a word
Put #2 , L ' write a long
Ltemp = Loc(#2) + 1 ' get the position of the next byte
Print Ltemp ; " LOC" ' store the location of the file pointer
Print Seek(#2) ; " = LOC+1"

Print Lof(#2) ; " length of file"
Print Fileattr(#2) ; " file mode" ' should be 32 for binary
Put #2 , Sn ' write a single
Put #2 , Stxt ' write a string

Flush #2 ' flush to disk
Close #2

'now open the file again and write only the single
Open "test.bin" For Binary As #2
L = 1 'specify the file position
B = Seek(#2 , L) ' reset is the same as using SEEK #2,L
Get #2 , B ' get the byte
Get #2 , W ' get the word
Get #2 , L ' get the long
Get #2 , Sn ' get the single
Get #2 , Stxt ' get the string
Close #2